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Mindset Upgrade helps those who struggle with their mentality to build the foundations of a great mindset by rewriting the narrative they live their life by.


If you have been looking for a solution to the mental ups and downs that destroy your progress and inner growth, Mindset Upgrade is for you.


And if you want to do all that without spending hours in a psychologist's chair or studying the oldest texts and the newest papers, Mindset Upgrade is definitely for you (especially if you don’t want to spend $$$$ for the privilege).

I’m Tom. I founded Mindset Rx’d - the business which created the Mindset Upgrade. It’s an online course we created so that you, no matter how much time or income you have, have access to world class mindset coaching.


Over the past 5 years we’ve shown elite athletes how to upgrade their mindset. They’re at the top of all kinds of sports, from CrossFit to Mixed Martial Arts. From endurance sports to adventure sports.


Just as importantly, we’ve also spent a lot of time working with those who simply exercise for fun, or who are at the beginning of their own training journey. And everyone in between.


What is Mindset Upgrade?

Mindset Upgrade is a digital course to help you build the foundation of a great mindset. You'll learn the theory and tools to train your mindset so that you can find your next level. We've tested this process across hundreds of individuals, and now want to bring it to you.


You'll be learning through video explanations and guided exercises. The course delivers a mindset you can be proud of by taking you through three phases: Test, Aiming Up, & Presence/Proof.


These three phases achieve mindset growth by rewriting your subconscious story. The subconscious mind controls around 95% of what you do. To change your mindset and the way you think and feel, you must change the subconscious story.


Or, as Carl Jung wrote, "until you make the subconscious conscious, it will dictate your life, and you'll call it fate."


Testing Phase

First, we will Test your mindset and find the story which has been limiting you. This is the essential first step as we've got to figure out where you are before you start progressing. As my mentor said to me "instead of trying to find new ways to become successful, try releasing yourself from the reasons you haven't been successful so far".


What we do here is remove what's been limiting your progress - your subconscious story.



After Testing, we'll move into our second phase, Aiming Up. In the Aiming Up phase, you will learn how to actually achieve the goals you set.


Sure, goal setting is great, but how many times have you set goals and not achieved them. At this point, we will teach you how to create not only goals, but a vision. Then you'll use our system to chart a course toward that vision.


You'll finish this phase feeling motivated, driven, and certain you'll succeed.


Presence & Proof

Once you have forward momentum, you need to stop yourself falling into the mental ruts which are currently holding you back. We're creatures of habit, but those habits can either serve us, or limit us.


To stop yourself falling into those ruts, you need Presence - a focus on now.


Through repeatedly choosing the best option for you, you'll add Proof to your new story. When you have enough proof, this story will be your subconscious truth and therefore your actions, thoughts, and emotions will line up with that truth.


What you'll get from mindset upgrade

  • Create mental fortitude and believe in yourself more than ever, by discovering the story which holds you back

  • Experience less negative self-talk through our unique journaling process

  • Develop the presence that meditation never could give you by identifying your mental states

  • Feel motivation and drive which lasts when you create a vision which actually pulls you toward growth

  • Find mental clarity by learning to distance yourself from your emotional states

  • Learn a system you can use for ever (no need to keep buying new courses or books)

  • Do all this with the safety of the Mindset Rx’d 110% guarantee (Tell us you didn’t get what you wanted within 30 days of purchasing the course and we’ll give you your money back plus an extra 10%)


What's the similarity between an elite athlete, and you?


There’s one surprising commonality between everyone we’ve worked with. Everyone struggles with their mindset, and honestly whilst the tools are out there, it’s still far too difficult to  figure out what exactly works.


We worked with people just like you who wanted to be mentally tougher, but couldn’t find a way. So ended up just where they started.


We supported hundreds of folks who wanted more confidence and self-belief, because they knew this was at the heart of their slow progress and dissatisfaction.


We met literally thousands of people whose negative self-talk ruins their chances of growth.


Over the years, we found a system that was at the heart of changing your mindset: the Mindset Rx’d Method.


What will happen when you use the mindset rx'd method?


We tested this across dozens of iterations with hundreds of people. Then we refined the course further into our fully coached, highly demanding program, the Mindset Training Camp.


What happened blew our minds. In just 6 weeks, participants experienced:


  • 59.2% decrease in negative self-talk

  • 11.9% increase in mental toughness

  • 34.1% increase in training sessions described as “nailed”

  • 20.6% increase in self-belief

  • 18.8% more purposeful than at the start


These results were even better than we were hoping for, and the program became a success with all the participants who did the work.


The Mindset Training Camps were so good, we wanted to bring this to the wider world (not just competitive athletes) in a more affordable package.


What’s more, we wanted you to be able to consume this in your own time, not have to wait until we were running a course.


You've probably tried many techniques already


You’ve probably tried meditation apps, journaling, visualisation, positive thinking, and maybe considered a therapist or similar. But with all that information out there, you haven’t seen the results you sought.


Maybe because many of these resources don’t actually give you the “sets and reps” you actually need to achieve growth (mindset growth is a physically process after all).


Or possibly it’s because there’s such a huge amount of effort and time required to truly learn and apply these methods.


You need something which condenses the essential lessons and gives you the tools to apply them.


You need something simple and effective.


You need something you can make work around your busy schedule.


This... is why we created the Mindset Upgrade.


  • What if I don’t get the results hundreds of others have?
    We are proud to offer the Mindset Upgrade with our 30-Day 110% Guarantee. This means that if you complete the course and don't get the results you anticipated within 30 days of purchasing the course, we will give you all of your money back, plus and extra 10% for your trouble.
  • What's The Mindset Upgrade Based On?
    We have created the Mindset Upgrade through what we've found is best whilst working with hundreds of athletes on their mindset. The results you'll get are based on the most cutting edge neuroscience, wisdom from the ancient Stoics, and everything in between. The system is proven not just by us, but by history.
  • What if I Need Help With The Course?
    Every training module has a comment section beneath it, so all you have to do is pop your question in there and our coaches will get back to you personally. Mindset Upgrade is also hosted in a community environment, so you'll get the support of everyone else in the same place as you.
  • What Does Working Through Mindset Upgrade Actually Look Like?
    You will get access to a systemised series of lessons. These are in a video and written format, so you can learn in the format which you find easiest. This is where you'll learn the foundations behind growth. We'll also provide you with tasks like journaling and visualisation throughout the course. This will be where you train your mindset - the sets and reps if you will.
  • Is This A Substitute For A Medical Professional?
    No, absolutely not. Mindset Rx'd and its courses do not qualify as medical advice.
  • Why Should I Act Now?
    Two reasons: (1) You know in your heart of hearts that it will take action to change your mindset. (2) Black Friday deal! (Need I say more...?)
  • What If I Don't Have The Five Minutes Per Day Required?
    Whilst we recognise that everyone gets busy from time to time, your mindset won't change unless you do the work. You'll be re-wiring pathways in your brain by training your mindset. This means physical change occurs. This won't happen without putting the work in. That being said, there is no getting behind. Just come back to the process when you're ready. You'll get lifetime access.
  • How Long Do I Get Access For?
    For ever.
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