Are you a coach who wants to move to the next level? Are you ready to serve others (and yourself) at a far higher level? Yet you always find yourself too tired, too rushed, and too hectic to move forward? If so you’ll definitely want to consider our Coaches Cert.
In my CrossFit coaching/PT days, I was in this trap too. I spent my days getting up early (exhausted), crushing way too much coffee, not making time to train, pouring everything into my athletes, and never making the headway I intended to.
I struggled, pushed, and forced. I did all I could, yet I was stuck.
I hit rock bottom when I calculated the hourly wage I actually earned. 14+ hour days, and only getting paid for half of those hours. For the days after realising this, I saw into my future. It was where I only got more of what I already had:
More stress
Less financial certainty
More poor quality athletes to work with
More fear, scarcity, and disappointment.
The snapshot of my future was one where I would be a bad spouse, a poor athlete, an ineffective coach, and a bad example for the kids I hoped to have one day.
Luckily, I happened upon mindset work at that point. I was sceptical. But, long story short, it changed everything in my life.
I stopped trying to fix external situations, and began addressing my internal world first. This is how to create real change for any coach.
Great change starts within.
By addressing my mindset, I felt:
On my game
As such, I began serving my athletes on a much deeper level. I had the confidence to charge more. I attracted better athletes. Eventually, it led me to starting Mindset Rx’d and creating more freedom than I could have dreamt of.
Here’s the key: to begin gaining the kind of freedom you long for, as well as serving your athletes on a whole new level, you must start by mastering your own mindset.
I incorporated the most foundational lessons I learned in the journey of changing my mindset, investing in mindset coaching for myself, and eventually coaching dozens of coaches to reach their potential, into the Mindset Rx’d Coaching Cert Level 1.
We will be starting another round of this course for you in September. Places are extremely limited and will be filled by only the most appropriate applicants.
If you’d like to pre-register for all the information, just email coach@mindsetrxd.com with the title 'MRCCL1 Info'
Coach Tom
P.s. If you’re a coach, remember that the change you seek starts within.